Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Brick
Date Wed Jun 5 21:14:43 2013
To all
Subject Facebook Updates
Incorporate automatic Facebook timeline updates. EG, add functionality for either allowing a player to add a Facebook user/password to their pfile (with a hashed/encrypted password, of course). The other option would be to incorporate a federated services type thing like Zynga does, where you can log into Aarchon with your Facebook credentials. This would allow Aarchon to prompt a player when they obtain an achievement or heroic-level gear to post that to their Facebook status. It could also allow them to add a mobile app to their Facebook account allowing players to access mobile content like mobile pages for Dirs and Walkthroughs, as well as finger other players or get login updates to see who's playing or if there are any runs going. The possibilities could be pretty amazing. -E