Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Bombadil
Date Wed Oct 21 06:27:43 2015
To all
Subject Zone feedback
In terms of rewards: always give some kind of reward all the time. I think that's what doesn't work with redwater mine. So instead of 25% chance for very valuable drop, you can make it 80% good value, 20% very valuable. Or work with tokens and such. Long runs are cool, if you can continue them solo across a longer stretch of time. Tunnel is a good example. Otherwise short is sweet :) Nothing wrong with long/complex runs though. I really like cliffs of marienburg for example. Shadows of the past not so much. The difference between the two is that I can easily find my way in cliffs solo (although I can't complete it solo) and figure out some basic things. 2 or more person zones can be fun, it gives an incentive to band together occasionally. Would be a loss if we got rid of them. Last but not least consider adding a lot more abundant but less powerful weapons with different weapon types at higher level. So add lots of low OP weapons at lvl 100, maybe as an easier reward. Randomness is fine just as long as there is reasonable chance of acquiring something useful or a way to trade in (with an extra cost). Tunnel reward for example would be great if you could exchange three random cloaks for a cloak of your choice. Random thoughts, hope it helps ..