Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Bobble
Date Sat Aug 23 18:59:32 2014
To harmoni,all
Subject hitroll vs AC
First, your base calculations are wrong, since the HR and AC values you see in score already include level-based bonuses. So it's actually 400 attack_roll vs 110 defense_roll (with the +10 to defense_roll due to AC starting at +100). Which actually makes it easier to hit in your example. Now, in addition to an auto-miss chance due to size difference, there are are a number of factors which can reduce your effective att_roll: * <100% skill in the weapon you are using (*(100+skill)/200) * being blinded (*3/4) * being prone (*3/4) * being cursed (5% auto-miss chance) * bursts attacks (*0.4 - 0.6, depending on mastery) And of cause there is always the issue of good/bad luck (and I'm not talking about the luck stat here) which can screw up any statistic. Also I suspect that most people will have less than 400 hitroll.