Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Bobble
Date Tue Feb 11 22:02:44 2014
To all
Subject Re: mech questions
1. How many additional attacks per opponent are gained in Goblincleaver? A: 3 per opponent. 2. What hp% does Ashura (or trails of blood?) begin? Is this bonus immediately gone if you regen/heal above this threshold? How many attacks does it add? A: 25% for both. Yes. One per opponent. 3. Ashura naturally adds more attacks to Kamikaze if below 25%. How many? A: Two per opponent. 4. Shield provides a small chance to deflect attacks now. What percent? Based on power level? A: 6%, or 3% against whips. 5. Stone Skin reduces damage taken? By how much? Also, reduces spell duration. Is this only debuffs, or buffs as well, and by how much? A: 10%, max = 10+level/4. For every 'max' points absorbed, duration is reduced by 1. 6. Fear increases your odds of Intimidation. Be nice to know how much. A: As if attacker was 20 levels higher. 7. Common question. Puncture removes how much armor per stack and lasts how long? I know the duration either resets or stacks. A: Average of 3 + level with twohander, or 2/3 of that with one-hander. Duration resets (for length, see showskill and help duration). 8. Refresher on the Dazzle proc. Is this an interruption of actions, or attacks? What it do. Then, what are the odds of skills that use it procing? Charge, Mace, Flail, bashes/fatals/uppercuts? If Dazzle is not the same as stun, what are the rates/durations for Stun procs: fatal/stop/boa A: The dazed condition lowers effective skill percentages by -50% for spells and -33% for other skills. Different from stun (=lag), you can still act. 9. Retribution and Porcupine. Same stance just armed and unarmed versions? 1:1 hit chances or less? Is your stance % here only affecting movement cost like with other stances? If so, please make relevant! :) A: Work the same, counterattack on every hit. Stance % only affects cost.