Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Betta
Date Thu Feb 7 07:47:58 2013
To all
Subject God Blesses
I realize this idea will not benefit low level people "as much" as it will benefit a remorting toon with access to more resources. Purchaseable GB's from quest masters for around 250k? This would take a bit of money and reinvest it back into the mob market economy, help people plan out leveling sprees, and lastly... not make you feel bad for logging in and discover you just missed a loveable imm-granted GB. Some of us just don't have the time to play 24/7 and I hate missing out on the good things in life. P.S. We DO appreciate all of the current imm-granted goodness already being dished out. You can never have enough of a good thing, right?