Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Azhir
Date Tue Apr 9 18:32:58 2013
To all
Subject re: Low Level Experience
Well I have not done R6 yet but I am working on R3. Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend a little extra time levelling. Specifically I changed and did not do very many quests just focussed on levelling. In a 22 hour period I played for roughly 6 hours. I finished remorting at roughly 01:30 EST April 8 and at 22:30 EST I had achieved level 39. From 01:30 to 02:30 I went from level 1 to level 15. Now, I did not spend a lot of time in Mud School and I did have 3 God_Bless Enlightenments over that time. However I think your time in Mud School was excessive and it has more to do with not having shifted your habits and thinking yet to accommodate the changes than the setup. I would not spend much time in mud school at R6. I didn't at R3. For a lot of people I would make the following suggestion ... think on the changes and on your strategies and think about how they may need to change. I think a lot of us still need time to figure things out before we make more offsetting changes.