Board General.old [context]
Sender Azhir
Date Tue Apr 2 14:17:30 2013
To q,all
Subject Low Levelling
I know a lot of people have been complaining about the slower levelling since the Mob change. However, I wanted to point out that the speed has not changed for me. I do not see a difference in speed just in mob selection - slightly. As some background I have only been a player here for under a year. My experiences have ranged over a wide variety of Mud types over the 22 years I have been playing (I started in '91). Over that time I have developed a fairly standard approach to low level levelling that seems to work on almost any style of mud. It is never perfect or the fastest but it always seems to work. The premis is simple and is often overlooked. Low level mobs are VERY susceptible to AC influence. As opposed to high level mobs which pound you no matter what your AC seems to be the low level mobs will often be missing if you have exceptionable AC at the low levels. Spells that are valuable are Armor and shield from mercy for sure. For this reason I prefer to sleep at Mercy below level 10 as she gives them out for free. Also there is often a couple of low level pieces of equipment that have a significant influence on success. The best examples of these items are Vorgoth's Bracers and Restepi's cloak. Also Fine Neck Guards from the shop in town. Equipped with these items I can still solo Let 2's by level 3 and by level 10 running a bunch of 4's is still fairly simple between quests. I recommend the newbie equipment until level 10 as it will make a difference. But the stuff in the armor shop is actually decent and if you have the cash worth a level 5 investment. In all levelling from 1-15 this remort took me no less time than it did last remort although I did struggle with the black panther at level 11 which Alok can attest to. Why at level 11 I got an Abyss quest I have no clue. Some food for thought. Azhir the Master of Darkness.