Board News [context]
Sender Astark
Date Thu Jul 18 23:20:53 2024
To all
Subject Wildwood Faire replacing Disney
Disney has been replaced with a new zone, the Wildwood Faire. The Wildwood Faire has the exact same layout as Disney, and a majority of the rooms have the same name as well. Most of the Disney gear was directly ported over, except for some items that specifically made a Disney reference, like Simba's Claw. Those items were given new names, but the type and stats were kept the same. In addition to retaining existing gear, the Wildwood Faire has a full set of level 7 equipment. There are still leveling mobs to find here, although they are 2 levels higher than Disney was, since The Initiation remains the leveling zone of choice until level 5. Your questing habits and leveling habits should largely remain the same, but we'll no longer have a zone that is largely unoriginal.