Board Bugs.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Thu May 26 19:18:29 2022
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Subject some data
|leve|shortdescr | |damtype |weaponty| |99 |Obsidian Bow |Cliffs of Marienburg |sound |bow | |98 |Resounding Fauchard |Spectral Realm |sound |polearm | |97 |<xxxx>= Dragon Screech ===|D |Petrified Timber |sound |mace | |97 |--==/\Herugrim/\==-- |Shadows Of The Past |sound |dagger | |96 |Judgement Day |The Mansion |sound |gun | |96 |>\ A hollow prong /< |Darkened Jungle |sound |spear | |93 |Fang of the Everlost |Isle of Parademia |sound |axe | |91 |The Resurrection Ward |Siva's Lament |sound |exotic | |98 |Sacred Saber |Crafting Area |poison |sword | |96 |Plague Spreader's Whip |The Sanctuary |poison |whip | |95 |GrEEN 9 Dagger |Area 51 |poison |dagger | |100 |Ultimate Sword |Warhammer 40k |energy |sword | |98 |Soul Barb |Spectral Realm |energy |dagger | |97 |A Plasma Sword |Planetary Bunker |energy |sword | |96 |Soul Extractor |The Mansion |energy |sword | |95 |Secret Loathing |Meipth |energy |dagger | |95 |{{o} Energy Flail {{o} |Area 51 |energy |flail | |93 |Chain Scythe |Surreal Life |energy |polearm | |93 |A Special "Dukester" Edition |Serene Desires |energy |gun | |91 |Phaser Pistol |Planetary Bunker |energy |gun | |100 |Contagion Crossbow |Redwater Mine |disease |bow | |99 |Infected Tourniquet |Cliffs of Marienburg |disease |whip | |98 |Fox Tail |Spectral Realm |disease |exotic | |96 |Chestnut Staff |Pyramid of the Sun |disease |mace | |95 |standard issue handgun |Meipth |disease |gun | |95 |Spear of Disease |Area 51 |disease |spear | |93 |Infectious Evil |Olympia |disease |polearm | - Crafting gets you a lvl 98 poison sword - 98 energy dagger exists The rewards will be level 96 since that's the zone level, but I can make multiple rewards and have them be random. - Disease Dagger - Energy Sword - Poison Flail