Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Mon Feb 13 11:12:23 2017
To all
Subject Recycling old zones
A while back SirLance shared some ideas on zones having scalable difficulties. For example, modifying Shadows of the Past to be doable with a 2 or 3 person group instead of 4 or 5. Haven't really done anything with that idea but I think we have the ability to implement something like this in various zones, as we see fit. It is possible for us to scale the hp, damage, etc. of mobs up or down using mprogs. I see this working in two ways 1) Recycling old zones to offer high level equipment 2) Making large group zones doable with smaller groups The main issue with #2 is, what do we do about the equipment? Haven't put too much thought into that yet. For #1 we could take a place like Area 51 and seriously boost the difficulty of the zone, offering high-end level 100 equipment. Implementing this type of mprog isn't necessarily easy, but it's a lot easier than building a whole new zone. Looking for feedback on: 1) Does anyone like or dislike this idea? 2) What zones do you think would make good candidates for this? 3) Who would be interested in testing the difficulty of a scaled up zone?