Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Sat Jan 7 18:07:55 2017
To all
Subject re taunt command, etc.
One of the reasons that we have scripted mobs to change targets to specific characters or classes, is because it's the only way to ensure that single target is heavily punished and has to be focus-healed. The alternative which you see in a lot of older zones, is that mobs do AOE damage, or you can rescue a target away from the mob, shifting damage to a new target. This allows your healer to spam major group heal instead of having to focus-heal a single target with bigger heavier heals, like cure mortal, or restoration. I played a bit of Vanilla WoW recently and the dungeon/class mechanics and diversity have made me really question how to improve our dynamics here on Aarchon. Part of the problem is that a cleric in swayde's mercy and the appropriate race selection, can tank some mobs just as well if not better than a hitter class. My honest opinion is that in order to really make all classes unique, we would need to start from scratch, building them around specific roles. That presents a lot of issues in itself, but the biggest problem is that if you build classes to serve a specific role, and you build dungeons to require specific party compositions, you need a large player base to pick from. I think that's part of why we're stuck in a situation where you can tank as just about any class as long as you use the appropriate stance. Getting back to the main point, a taunt mechanic. We would have to either figure out a way to have the command override what happens within mprogs (Which I don't think is possible), or rewrite all of those mprogs to consider the taunt command (possible, but, but a lot of work). I could talk a lot more about balance issues that we face, but I'm not sure how we can implement a taunt mechanic without breaking all the zones that we have scripted to sort-of nuke players as a means of difficulty.