Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Tue Oct 25 14:05:30 2016
To all
Subject note unread, etc.
Been perusing the ideas board trying to find some good ideas that are quick to implement. We'll increase alias limit, and add ascension achievements by tomorrow. One thing I took a look at was the "note unread" idea. Unfortunately this isn't quite as easy to add as you would hope / expect. The note system uses a check to see what the last note you read was, and marks all other previous notes as read. For example if you have 10 unread notes, and you read note 9, then notes 1-8 will be marked as read too. Conversely, if you wanted to do something like "note unread 1", it would mark all notes from 2-10 as unread also. Short of rewriting the entire note system, there isn't an easy way to change this.