Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Mon May 23 12:39:50 2016
To all
Subject Idea/note writing suggestions
I'm always happy to hear player ideas and feedback, but you need to find a better way to present your ideas and feedback. Here are some suggestions that should benefit everyone. 1. Write in complete sentences. 2. Format your text for the 80 character limit. You can use notepad to tell you how many characters you have typed on each line. 3. Try to imagine that you're writing for a 5th grader. Using lots of large words doesn't necessarily help. 4. Use spell check. "Diverence". Are you saying divergence, or difference? 5. Get to the point. Your last note was titled "Mind Food" which I thought was actually an idea for a food-based item. Then after reading 3 paragraphs about logic, I learned that you were talking about equipment stat bonuses. You wrote an 800 word essay and I'm not even sure what you're asking to have changed. 6. Keep in mind that not everthing is this game is 100% logical. I hope these suggestions do not come off as rude. If English is not your primary language then I can forgive the spelling and grammar errors, but you can still make your ideas easier to understand by following the other suggestions. Thank you.