Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Fri Oct 9 07:43:00 2015
To all
Subject re god fortune
We've had a 10 minute quest timer since the beginning of time. I don't see that changing, honestly. With a god fortune you can easily complete 4 quests, maybe 5 or even 6. 1. Quest request -> do the quest -> grab god fortune -> quest complete. 2. wait 10m -> quest request -> 10m to do quest -> quest complete 3. wait 10m -> quest request -> 10m to do quest -> quest complete 4. wait 10m -> quest request -> 10m to do quest -> quest complete Most people are doing more quests in less than 10 minutes, meaning you can probably complete 5 quests. I'm willing to re-visit how the bonus of god_fortune is applied, but having these completion-streak based timers etc., is not where I'd really like to go. Maybe instead of +50 CHA and +50 LUC we can look at doing something like a flat QP bonus on quest complete.