Board News.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Fri Apr 3 09:41:10 2015
To all
Subject staggered mobs
Many moons ago when "mobbles" were introduced, some mobs were left with a flag called staggered. This was to help us retain balance during the period of transition. This flag means that mobs were left with their huge HP pools, but they did less damage and had less attacks than "mobbles". I've slowly started to comb through some of these mobs, removing the staggered flag, lowering their hp, and increasing their damage. The result will be that these mobs die faster, but they may be too easy or too hard, as I had to estimate the changes in some cases where the mobs are loaded up with attack mprogs, other flags like "berserk", or special attack sequences. Some of the mobs I've changed include : The dragons on the Hazzach run, Cybernetic Guards in A51, The mobs in Graveyard, The mobs in Planetary Bunker, Ruthan, God/Satan/mobs on the Croutre run, and a few others I might be forgetting off the top of my head. There are still many more of these mobs to comb through, and we'll get there over time. The biggest one that I changed was Shelob -- who had a whopping 64000 hp + sanc ... + fade ... + regeneration. You get the point. I also changed Ghirofelgo who did absolutely enormous damage. If you find mobs that feel way too weak or way too hard, please let us know. Short of testing every change made, we have to rely on player feedback to adjust these mobs accordingly.