Board Quest.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Tue Jul 8 17:57:36 2014
To all
Subject ima break free
After being thrown into jail by Vodur for sharing remort secrets, Umbra busted me out and was awarded 50qp. The remains of B.E.S.S Mark IV's body are almost unidentifiable. Spell: 'decompose' modifies strength by -103 for 10 hours with bit none(0), level 83. Spell: 'decompose' modifies agility by -131 for 10 hours with bit none(0), level 85. Spell: 'decompose' modifies dexterity by -65 for 10 hours with bit none(0), level 81. Spell: 'decompose' modifies intelligence by -79 for 10 hours with bit none(0), level 82.