Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Wed Mar 19 07:46:40 2014
To all
Subject re bethany/mob position
Discussed with Bobble, we determined the following regarding mobs and their positions. Mobs DO show sitting/sleeping/resting position on their long description (what you see when you enter the room) if they are in that position, but this only occurs if that is not their starting position (set by builder). This means that if you walk into a room and see something like "Greg Camp is here." and when you try to charge him he is resting, that th builder made a conflicting description/position setting. If you run into the above, please note them to me on personal or bug and I will review the mobs on a case by case basis to determine if their long desc should be changed, or if their position should be changed. If you run into a bunch at once, please don't send them all in individual notes. I'll start by fixing music town.