Board Mechanics.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Sat May 25 21:03:05 2013
To all
Subject Puncture
A bit of confusion going on with puncture lately so I'll try to clarify a few things in this note 1) Previously (since it was created up until yesterday) puncture was showing a damage message but not actually dealing any damage. 2) I fixed this bug, but accidentally removed the damage message. This will be fixed in the next copyover (no damage message shows right now but it actually is doing damage) The way puncture works: Adds an affect to your target that gives +armor_class. It lasts something like 10 ticks. The effect (+AC) stacks. It has no cap. The effect renews its duration with each use of the skill. It does not show in your affects because it's not affecting you, it's affecting the opponent. We've yet to code/come up with a good way of showing players when an affect like puncture (or guard) wears off of their opponent so that they know to re-apply the skill.