Board General.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Mon May 20 09:00:33 2013
To all
Subject PK Thoughts?
We're by no means trying to turn Aarchon into a PK MUD, but I know that a handful of players enjoy PK and would love to have a few more players join in on the fun. Besides giving rewards for pkilling people (you already get a 10% exp bonus for being PK), I'm wondering if there is anything we could do that might encourage a few more people to give PK a try. We recently added a system that allows players to turn pkill on, and then turn it off after 90 days if they decide that they don't like it, but I don't think it's really been taken advantage of. This is an open question to everyone... Have you refrained from trying PK because of a specific reason, or does PK have no appeal to you in general?