Board News.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Wed Apr 24 13:51:45 2013
To all
Subject Remort 8 - Live
Hi All, As of a now, remort 8 is live on the main port. This is a major milestone in the history of Aarchon, as each remort typically is. To start, we're only going to have 3 chambers available for remort 8. This is so that if there are any issues I can work closely with the mortals in each remort, as opposed to having to help 4-6 people at a time. If we find out that the chambers are really backed up, we'll add another 1-2 chambers in the next 24-48 hours. I will not provide any kind of walkthrough for you, so please don't ask me for one. I haven't written one. If you find a bug, or think you found a bug, send me a tell. If I don't respond, send a note to the imms on the bugs board. One of us will try to look into it as quickly as possible. I'd like to thank you all for being so patient with the release, and all of the testers who have countless hours testing all of the major changes we've made that have led up to this release.