Board News.old [context]
Sender Astark
Date Wed Jan 11 22:00:25 2012
To all
Subject Periodic Update - 1/11/12
Hey all, It's been a little over a month since the last update so I thought I'd chime in again here and let you know what's been going on. Things are probably going to slow down just a little bit over the next couple of weeks due to an influx of work / other obligations for many of us. In the past month we've implemented a new zone, made a few more updates to the website, pushed harder with our advertising, and released an updated batch of code. I'll send a second note in just a moment with some website statistics for you all to see. I/we sincerely appreciate the hard work all of you have put into voting regularly. I think the influx of new players speaks for itself. I'd also like to thank you all for answering all of their questions as patiently as possible. We've spent the better part of this week fixing some issues with the storage boxes, and also tracking down as many memory leaks as we possibly can. I've personally been getting my feet wet with writing code. Can't say that anything I write will be Imp'd, but it's been an enjoyable and challenging learning process so far. My goal is to have the spiral zone done in the next 6-8 weeks, and hopefully released in 8-10 (after QC is done). In the meantime I've created a new {W* GUIDE FOR NEWBIES *{x that will be given to each new player who logs in. I'll make them for sale in Bastion at Herman the Gnome as well so you can all see the contents. Please feel free to send feedback my way. I've got a couple other small projects going on but nothing too exciting. Maedhros has been working diligently to make old clanhalls open to the entire MUD, but this is going to be an on-going process as it's a ton of work removing mprogs and fixing shops and the like. He's expanded Bastion to allow us more room for quests and what not in the future. He's also been helping stabilize the MUD by tracking down erroneous resets, ensuring backups run smoothly, and keeping our builder/test ports up to date. Druids are still being worked on as well (albeit slowly) but a lot of other leg work has been required first, like getting our different ports/batches of code matching and cleaning up code that wasn't really set up for extensive future development. Vodur has been handling most of the recent code changes and will likely continue taking on the bulk of this work. I believe our next batch of code will contain some more changes that directly affect players such as some potential new skills and/or spells. These typically take a bit longer to test for balance so as I mentioned before, the next batch of code may take a bit longer to make it's way here than the previous one did. Belavir (if you haven't noticed already), has recently been promoted to 108, and has been put in charge of building. He's handling building changes on 3 different ports, and pretty much managing everything that happens on the builder port by himself. In addition he's been fixing broken mprogs, mob resets, mob quests, quality checking zones, and acting as a second eye for most all of us with our work. Ashen is in charge of help file creation and he's the one you can thank for any recently updated / created files. If you have recommendations or changes that you think need to be made, send them to imm and/or Ashen on the personal board. He's also been acting as a helper and tester for us. Sufjan / Felonious have had a bit less free time to spend here than the rest of us but while active have acted extensively as helpers to both IMMs and Mortals alike. Thanks for reading or not reading this massive wall of text. Website stats to follow shortly.