Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Argh
Date Tue Jul 22 22:10:55 2014
To all
Subject obj naming
Would it be somehow possible to code it so that every single object created in a zone automatically has its zone name as part of the "Name" field of the obj? The reason I suggest this, is that it is remarkably convenient to just use get and just keep spamming 'wear quest' until you are wearing every piece of that set of gear. Under that same line of thinking, gearing yourself in a set of gear, or a follower, zombie, or pet would be much easier in terms of upgrading if all you had to type (or order) would be wear rovarok or order all wear rovarok Hit enter a few times and you, or your follower, will now be wearing a full set of your newest set of gear from the zone you've just cleared out. Would also greatly help newer players, as they will always be sure that the gear they're equipping is all from their newest zones. (I also love "remove all.tyro" which is another reason I suggest expanding this idea to include all zones) Arghnor