Board General [context]
Sender Allkohl
Date Sat Jun 29 22:36:05 2024
To all
Subject snuff shadow of the past
give rade quest The Quest Master gives you [A][e][s] ArmPlates [S][e][d][a][i]. The Quest Master says 'You should talk to Snuff. I think he was looking for something.' n Snuff asks 'I wonder how Ryll's doing?' s open west; w kill ryll Aw man.... I got absolutely punked off today... some Divergent snuck up on me in the fullmoon last night. (hint to kill nathor) it happened so fast that I didn't even feel the attack due to shock. One thing's for sure though, he was definately alone... i'll get him one day.. e n Snuff asks 'That journal you carry, let me see it?' give journal snuff Snuff gives you Snuff's Gratitude. Snuff drops [Thieves]+[Journal] .