Board Ideas.old [context]
Sender Alin
Date Thu Oct 2 09:11:40 2014
To all
Subject New Item
I would like to propose an item be added to the game that, when merged with an existing game item, will increase its level by 1. No stat changes or anything else, simply a level up. My preference would be as a quest point item or an expensive gold bought item, but any nontrivial method would be nice. This item would make a much greater variety of existing transparent items viable at level 99. In my opinion transparent items are too level limited in their use. Other uses might become apparent too - low level transparent items might actually become useful, such as taking a level 20 transparent item to level 40 etc. As I'm not a builder, I don't know if this would allow an item to exceed the maximum OP or whatever it can have by level 99. If such is the case, I disagree with the transparent system itself.