Wisps or Will-o-Wisps are amorphous balls of light that rapidly change color to
communicate. They are capable of reading and seeing auras around living beings
that indicate their karma. They travel by fly effortlessly and live in marshes
or lakes in areas remote from other intelligent life. They obviously have no
need of light sources since they ARE light sources. Wisps are incredibly fast,
intelligent, and lucky, but quite fragile. They can confuse most mortals with
their patterns of light. They can attack with spectral bursts, and emit a fog
that reveals hidden forms. They can easily dart away from incoming attacks,
and they can defend themselves by burning with intense heat. Cold and darkness
are excruciatingly painful to Wisps. Piercing a wisp does little damage because
of their gaseous nature, and they can easily dissipate most forms of pure
energy, including light, electricity, heat, and sound.
See showrace wisp for more details.