So, WHY do we concern ourselves with watching your language? Is it just to protect
the poor innocent minds of the younger children who are getting interested in our
lovely text world? Not exactly, although that is part of it. Part of it is to
demonstrate that ideas can be communicated without the use of swear words, and
to keep everyone in the practice of watching their mouths, so that you don't end
up embarassing yourself by someday accidentally swearing at a bad time (believe me,
it can happen). It is also to keep the atmosphere as free of tension (and thus, as fun)
as possible. Anger or frustration often drives people to swearing, and this is quite
normal, but if it remains on the bitch channel, it can be ignored or not seen by those
people who would get annoyed or bothered by the use of harsh words. The emotion
expressed is also kept in track by diverting it to the bitch channel, and thus the
intellectual environment is kept free from worries, foolishness, or outright vulgarity.
The biggest reason not to swear so much is that it makes for much more interesting,
intelligent conversation. Some people appreciate it when you think about your choice
of words, and you can actually sound like less of a loser. So please, keep this in
mind, and if the situation warrants swearing, remember to do it on bitch. Thanks! :)
The rules against profanity are not in place to take away your enjoyment of the
game, and we don't even expect that these rules will make you a better person
(but wouldn't that be nice! :P). In all circumstances, offending people may
bring about punishment, so please exercise restraint when you are tempted to
push the limits.
As for the rules against discrimination, they are there to ensure that everyone
here can have a good time without worry or fear of dealing with any issues
that should remain in 'real-life'. Discrimination is a major problem in schools
and even still in workplaces, and the first step in combatting the problem is
to make people aware that certain attitutes and comments are absolutely
unacceptible. This is a serious matter, one of international importance;
regulations similar to the ones made here are being made worldwide to prevent
hate speech, hate crimes, and propagation of hate. Yes, even the supposedly-
innocent use of such words works to propagate the discrimination and hatred,
and if you cannot force your language to evolve to a civilized level, then
you will not have the privledge of public communication.