Kazumi's Weakest Survival Game
If you get the question or riddle right, you are now legal to vote. If
you get it wrong. You are not allowed to vote in this round. We go through
everyone.. And that is our first round. You may only vote for 1 person,who
ever gets the most votes.. Is out If we are playing with 6 or more people..
You must leave the room because There is to much chatter. There is no time
limit to the riddle.. Except that you get 2 guesses.
If everyone that is playing sees that the riddle makes no sense, I will do another.
When the very two last people are left standing, we do a match called "Winner gets
all!" In this final round, you are given a riddle. Both of the last two people will
get unlimited guesses, and the first to get the riddle correct, wins it all!
YOU are the Weakest Survivor!
Weakest Survivor is a trademarque licensed to Kazumi and Paradigm Industries.
Paradigm owns you, your family, your house, your car, your kidneys, your
bottle cap collection and your best friend's toothbrush.