Syntax: clanwar - Your clan's diplomatic status
clanwar <other_clan> war - Go to War!
clanwar <other_clan> truce <hours> - Seek out a truce
clanwar <other_clan> peace - Make peace
clanwar <other_clan> treaty - Sign a peace treaty
clanwar <other_clan> status - shows the other_clan's clanwar status
In the world of Aarchon, if two clans have a feud which cannot be resolved
by diplomatic means, they may declare WAR upon each other! This action is
not without teeth, as it suddenly opens up the world of player killing to
those players who are normally reserved from such matters. Although low-
ranking individuals are usually spared, full members of warring clans may
be attacked and killed by those in the opposing clan!
(See HELP RANK for additional information on this.)
For warring clans who wish to parley with each other and discuss terms,
a temporary TRUCE may be called for a number of game hours. During this
time, the enemies may interact freely. A good soldier will continue to look
over his or her shoulder often during these circumstances however, since
an elder of either clan may suddenly end the truce, opening the doors for
an ambush!
During peacetime, two clans may wish to form a more lasting friendship.
The topmost clan ranks may negotiate and sign a TREATY between their clans,
which will disallow their clans from taking hostile action toward
each other. Under harsh circumstances however, even a treaty may be
broken by an angry Patron who wishes to send his clan to war.
All clan war actions are recorded and announced globally by the clan
heralds, so even the most dastardly deeds will be given a moment's warning.
Members of an opposing clan are denoted by a 'W' in the who list. Members
of an opposing clan with a truce currently in effect are denoted by a 'T'
in the who list. Opposing clan members who are not attackable by you will
be denoted by a lower-case 'w' or 't', respectively.
Type "CLANWAR" by itself for a status update for your clan.
**To prevent abuse, there are some rules in clanwar.
**Read help 'newclanwar' for these rules.