Syntax: rest
Syntax: sit
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake
Syntax: wake <character>
Syntax: rest/sit/sleep/stand on/in/at <object in room>
These commands change your position. When you REST or SLEEP, you
regenerate hit points, mana, and movement points faster (sleep being
the fastest). When RESTing or SITting, your field experience is
absorbed fastest (see help field). While in any position other than
standing, you are more vulnerable to attacks, and if you SLEEP, you
won't be aware of anything that is happening in the room you are in.
Often you can sit, sleep, rest, or even stand on an object (like a bench)
at an object (like a desk) or in an object (like a bathtub). Sometimes
doing so will increase or decrease the rate at which you heal.
Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position. You can also
WAKE other sleeping characters.