Templars are an ancient order of religious nobility who have outlasted,
as a politcal force, any of the passing trends of monarchy, revolution,
or capitalism. Since the shattering, they have come to be the supreme
governing body, since only they have been represented in virtually all
time frames. They fight to preserve order and the privilege that lets
such as they remain in the noble class. Despite their religious rites,
beliefs, and dogma, they do not preach to the masses, although they do
impose their morals on them. Templars are the lawyers, bureaucrat,
police, and officials who hold Bastion together. Because of their
status, they have the time to pursue a formal education, including
subjects like magic theory, making them skilled in both magic and
clerical prayer.
Prime Stat: Wisdom Secondary Stats: Charisma, Intelligence
Type skills class templar for a list of a Templar's skills and spells.