Help summary /------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | * - MOVEMENT - * * - OBJECTS - * | | north northeast east southeast south get put drop give sacrifice wear wield | | southwest west northwest up down hold donate remove recite lore open | | scan exits recall enter wake sleep close lock unlock pick shoot quaff zap | | sit stand rest walk brandish examine read look compare | | list buy sell value appraise eat drink | | * - INFORMATION - * | | look score attributes worth affects * - GROUP - * | | spells skills groups raceskills follow group gtell split | | showrace inventory equipment title | | description autolist prompt finger * - COMMUNICATION - * | | who whois count commands areas time say tell reply emote pmote pose gossip | | weather etls stats wizlist credits question answer gratz music game bitch | | rules credits motd quote auction shout yell channels deaf | | quiet afk replay note board unread bug | | * - COMBAT - * typo playback | | consider kill flee wimpy surrender | | pkill murder noloot bounty action * - OTHER - * | | & ! practice train gain balance deposit| | * - CLAN - * withdraw save quit delete quest order | | recruit reject clan clanwar alias unalias heal try remort visible | | clanreport invite rank outfit scroll color/colour brief | | compact combine try | \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ For more information, type 'help <topic>' on any command, skill, or spell. Also try 'help search <word>' to search all help files. Also try 'help all' for a full list of help files. Also help on: DAMAGE, DEATH, EXPERIENCE, FIELD XP, QUESTITEMS, SOCIALS, STANCES, STORY, TICK.