permcast permanent spells
A character able to extend spells (including characters with grandmastery in a spell) can choose to make it permanent. However, maintaining a spell indefinitely is taxing, and imposses a penalty on the caster's available mana. The mana penalty depends on the spell's basic mana cost, casting time, and most importantly its natural duration - making spells with a brief duration permanent is far more costly than doing the same for spells of extreme duration. Spells castable during combat are also easier to maintain than those that are not. Mastery in extend spell reduces the mana penalty by 40%/60% for M/GM level, respectively. Mastery in the spell being cast reduces it further by 20%/30% for M/GM level (these two mastery reductions are multiplicative). Characters without the extend spell feat gain no mana penalty reduction due to mastery. Syntax: permcast <spell> Only spells cast on oneself can be made permanent. While it is still possible to dispel them, doing so is a little harder than for non-permanent spells.

The SKILLS and SPELLS commands are used to display your character's list of available skills (or spells, as the case may be). They are listed in order of level, with mana cost (for spells) or percentage (for skills) listed where applicable. Typing 'skills all' or 'spells all' shows you all the spells/skills your character knows, regardless of his/her current level. You can view all skills for a class with skills class <classname>. The percentage listed is your effective percentage, taking into account class maximum and race skills. (The PRACTICE command, on the other hand, shows how much practice you've had in a skill/spell. It will always have a chance of going up to 100% -- When it does that, the respective % listed under SKILLS is as good as it's going to get (until you change race).) SKILL <skillname/spellname> will tell you both aspects of how well you know that particular skill/spell. The first number is how much you are practiced in the skill/spell, up to 100% -- just as listed under PRACTICE. The second number is how effective you are with your ability overall, based on class maximum and raceskills -- just as listed under SKILLS. Also see HELP SHOWSKILL, and HELP STANCELIST.