Syntax: showskill <skill/spell> This command displays all the details of the specified skill/spell, including: base mana, amount of lag (where 6 is about the length of a 'pulse' of battle), type of target, whether the skill may be used during combat, all of the stats that are checked before reporting your effective percentage, a list of all classes and at what level/skill% they receive the skill, and a list of the groups that the skill is contained within. EXAMPLES OF USE: showskill betray showskill dispel magic showskill hand of siva Types of Targets: tar_char_vis_off Offensive skill/spell, usable on foes you can see (default: who you're fighting) tar_char_offensive Offensive skill/spell, defaults to who you're fighting (works even if blind) tar_char_defensive Defensive skill/spell, usable on anyone you can see (default: yourself) tar_char_self Defensive skill/spell only useable on yourself. tar_obj_inv Target is an object in your inventory. tar_obj_char_off Offensive skill/spell, defaults to who you're fighting, but you may specify a person or object in the room instead tar_obj_char_def Defensive skill/spell, defaults to yourself, but you may specify a target obj in your inventory or a person in the room instead tar_char_neutral Not defensive nor offensive. Defaults to cast upon yourself; can also target a person of choice (provided they don't have NO_CANCEL specified) ignore No target (e.g. create food); or, may hit all offensive targets (e.g. fireball)