wrist shield
Syntax: None. Automatic Skill. The wrist shield skill allows a skilled fighter to obtain the benefits of holding a shield and still use their off-hand. They will suffer some penalty to their block chance and chance to get offhand attacks based on their skill in wrist shield. Without wrist shield skill this penalty is -2/3, with 100% wrist shield the penalty is reduced to -1/3. Note that held items cannot be used for focus while using a shield, regardless of wrist shield skill. The percentage command shows the effective percentages for blocking, off-hand attacks, two-hand damage and focus. See showskill wrist shield for more details.

shield 'stone skin' armor
Syntax: cast shield or cast shield <target> cast 'stone skin' (self only) cast armor or cast armor <target> Shield provides a 6% chance to deflect incoming attacks. 3% vs whips. Stone Skin reduces damage taken by 10%, with a max of 10+level/4. For every 'max' points absorbed, duration is reduced by 1. Armor grants a sizeable armor class bonus.