ptitle pretitle
Syntax: ptitle list ptitle set <title> ptitle clear quest buy ptitle list quest buy ptitle <title> Pretitles or ptitles may be can be purchased with quest points from any quest master. These are titles that will displayed before your name in who list, finger, and most other cases in the game. Some ptitles may also be awarded as part of special quests or events. Use 'ptitle list' to see a list of all of your purchased/awarded ptitles. Use 'ptitle set <title>' to set any of the titles from your list. Use 'ptitle clear' to remove your currently set ptitle. Using 'quest buy ptitle list' at a questmaster, you can see a list of currently available ptitles along with their price in quest points. This list is subject to change at any time. Use 'quest buy ptitle [title]' to buy any of the titles on the list at the specified price. There are no refunds for ptitles. See also: help namecolor