In Aarchon, players may only engage in a fight with one another under one of the following circumstances: 1) Both are participating in a WARFARE. (See "help warfare".) 2) Each is ranked as a "member" or higher in a clan currently at war with the other player's clan. For more information on this see HELP CLANWAR. 3) One player is ranked as a "member" or higher in a clan which is at war with any other clan, and the other is a pkiller. 4) Both are pkillers. It is considered VERY bad manners to pkill people from your own clan. In all the above cases, players may not initiate a pkill fight with another player if the effective pkill-level difference is larger than six. Effective pkill-level is calculated as your character level + 2 times your remort level. Those players whose bloodlust is not satisfied by the arena and the clan war system may turn on their pkill flag by typing "PKILL ON", followed by "PKILL CONFIRM". This is a very serious action, and is an open invitation for others meeting the above conditions to attack and kill you without warning, dance on your corpse, and mercilessly take all of your gold and silver (not that you really care, as long as you haven't been money running). A pkill flag also opens the door for players with the steal skill to steal (gold and silver) from you. Pkillers who initiate a pkill fight and/or get caught stealing from a player will be branded with the (KILLER) and/or the (THIEF) flags. With either of these, the player is shunned by shopkeepers and attacked by city guards, and their "in-level" eligibility is extended a few levels as a penalty -- allowing even higher-level players to attack the branded character. Both the (KILLER) and the (THIEF) flags are removed upon being killed by an executioner or another pkill-eligible person. After turning normal pkill on, you may choose to become a hardcore pkiller. Hardcore pkillers have the same level restrictions, but may loot another hardcore Killer. Characters with normal pkill turned on receive a 10% bonus to all xp gains, hardcore pkillers receive a extra 10% bonus. (That's a total of 20%, for those of you haven't figured out how to count.) After turning on your pkill flag, you may remove it after 90 days. If you set your hardcore flag, this time is reset to 90 days again. NOTE: If you are pkill, and you use any AREA ATTACK skills/spells, a roaming pkiller in your range CAN be inadvertently attacked if they walk into it. Be warned. This is not a bug. :P SEE ALSO: HELP HARDCORE, HELP CLANWAR, HELP WARFARE, HELP PK_TIMER.