Most physical attacks are resolved by an opposed roll between the attacker's
hitroll against the defenders armor class.
The attacker rolls a number between 0 and their hitroll, while the defender
rolls a number between 0 and their armor class / -10.
If the attacker rolls higher than the defender, the attack hits.
Each character starts gains a natural hitroll and armor based on their class and
level, as well as bonuses for high dexterity, agility and luck.
These class based bonuses are calculated as
base hitroll = (level+10) * attack factor / 100
base armor class = (level+10) * defense factor / -200
The classes command lists attack and defense factors for all classes.
Both hitroll and armor class can be increased further by equipment and buffs.
In addition, each attack has a 12.5% chance to hit automatically. The mechanics
above are only applied to the remaining 87.5% of cases.
See help magical attacks for more information on those.