'newbie info'
If you need help on anything, type HELP followed by any word you'd like help on. If there is no helpfile, ask someone! The NEWBIE channel is provided just for people like you. Just type "newbie" followed by whatever question you'd like to ask. If you are totally new here, try HELP CONCEPT to get a general view of the game, and HELP FAQ to see the Frequently Asked Questions. The first area you find yourself in is called Initiation. It has many valuable lessons, and it is highly recommended that you _read_everything_. If you need to see something again, type LOOK. To read this help again, type HELP NEWBIE. Your NAME should be authorized within 24 hours, please be patient. In the meantime, feel free to make use of any facility within the Initiation area. You can always type 'who helper' for a list of trustworthy players chosen by the immortals. You will see the word HELPER in front of their names.