These are the rights of the mortals playing on Aarchon. Read them and understand them. 1. All mortals have the right to privacy. No immortal shall infringe on this right without reasonable suspicion that a crime is occurring. 2. Every mortal shall have the right to free speech. No immortal shall infringe on a mortal's right to free speech, unless the mortal is in violation of mud rules (vulgarity on notes, failing to follow HELP PROTOCOL, etc.) 3. Every mortal shall have the right of appeal. Any mortal who is convicted of a crime shall have the right to appeal the conviction. Appeals will be heard by the Archon of Law. If your appeal is denied at the Archon level, you have the right to request and appeal hearing with the mud implementors. Appeals to the implementors do not have to be heard. All decisions made by the implementors, should your case be heard there, are final, else the ruling of the Law Archon is final.