INFO is a channel by which you as a citizen or visitor of Aarchon is informed
of important events such as: player deaths, levels gained, clan war and peace
treaties, who is being recruited into which clan, and any crucial information
the IMMORTALS wish to announce to the world. Mortals cannot send messages over
the info channel, but can turn the channel on or off by simply typing INFO.
See also help channels
The INFO command (for mortals) can also be used to get information about a
particular spell/skill group. The info command will tell you the cost of the group
(for your class), the cost if you were to buy each spell or skill individually,
the max percentage at which you can effectively learn the spell or skill, and
of course all of the spells/skills that are contained within that group. If a
spell/skill is listed as Level 102, it means it is not available to your class.