Harpies are essentially hawks with sharp talons to maul their foes. Their faces are the faces of ugly old women and so harpies are not good leaders, for their own slaves would turn away their heads in disgust. As birds, they are capable of flight. They can also curse their enemies in their fury, and despite their small size, they can harm enemies many times larger than they are. They are innately evil and are protected against all that is good. Their bodies are poisonous, and they are capable of spreading their poison to the blood of their enemies with their sharp teeth. As a result, they are rarely harmed by either acid or poison. Furthermore, their wild screeching makes them almost entirely resistant to noise. They are most easily damaged by bashing, as flying creatures have no traction. One of their outstanding features is their agility, allowing them to move larger distances than any other race. See showrace harpy for more details.