GOOGLE Trivia! (Formerly known as RANDOM, USELESS Trivia!)
Objective: Answer the most questions correctly, or spam gametalk
mercilessly with unimportant babble.
Rules: Spelling is not important. So long as the person running trivia
can understand you, that's all that matters.
While a question may have multiple answers, the first person to
give an acceptable correct answer is awarded the point. Exact,
100% accurate and scientific answers are not neccessary, so
don't complain if someone gives too vague an answer for your
tastes. Don't like the decision? Don't play. ;)
If a player is behaving in a way that is upsetting gameplay, the
person running trivia reserves the right to penalize them
Award System: 10 quest points per correct answer.
50 quest points to whomever can answer the most questions
Gameplay: Trivia will always take place on gametalk, so if you do not like
spam, turn it off. It'll do your sanity a favor.
Participants will answer a set number of random trivia questions
asked by the Trivia master/mistress or until said runner of
trivia is bored. Questions can range anywhere from Science all
the way to Sports.
If you are a mortal and you wish to run trivia, you must first seek approval
from Silvara and run questions by her for quality check. Simply post a note on
PERSONAL board with the questions that will be asked. If approved, you will be
contacted for further discussion of when the trivia game will be held.
Fine Print: The person running trivia reserves the right to do whatever he
or she wants during gameplay, including but not limited to:
disqualify, award points as he/she sees fit, change rules,
ignore you, molest anybody, steal Chrono's cheese, demand
tribute or anything else their imagination can conceive of.
Even Finer print: In Silvara's absence, you may post a note to (almost) any
immortal. Also note that stealing Chrono's cheese is highly
illegal and may result in massive amounts of stabbination.