genie 'wish casting'
Genies are powerful outsiders, best known for their ability to grant wishes.
Their upper body is that of a large humanoid, while their lower half appears
to consist of a swirl of air, as often found in elementals.
While their inborn ability to grant wishes can mimic the effects of almost
any spell known, but only the granting of wishes to others comes naturally.
Particularly crafty genies can circumvent this restriction and grant wishes
to themselves, though at a price.
Syntax: wish <spell> <target>
wish list
Wish casting works like regular spell casting, using the caster's wish casting
skill to determine proficiency-dependent variables.
In order to wish cast a spell, that spell must be available to some class at
the caster's current level. Only beneficial spells can be granted, they must
be castable on others, and meta magic skills cannot be used.
Casting wishes onto yourself causes a +50% increase in mana cost.
If wish-casting a spell the caster already knows, their effective wishcasting
skill is increased, and casting costs are reduced.
See showrace genie for more details.
See help wish list for more details.