'field experience' 'field exp' 'field xp'
There are two kinds of experience (or "xp"): Field experience, and Real (or applied) experience. Whenever you earn xp, you get some of both kinds. Real experience is what counts toward levels. Field experience is only temporary, while your character absorbs what he or she learned and makes it part of their working knowledge. Various factors affect how you receive and utilize field experience: * The ratio of field xp earned to real xp earned is determined by wisdom. * Each tick, some field xp is converted to real xp. This rate is determined by intelligence. * As you build up field xp, you start getting less and less of it. The maximum amount you can build up is determined by discipline. (When this is occurring, you see the message "Your mind is being overwhelmed with new information.") * The rate of field xp is doubled by resting or sitting, unaffected by standing or sleeping, and halved by fighting. * ALSO: For the price of one practice session, you can 'practice field' to transfer a portion of your current field xp into applied xp.