Syntax: etls
etls <racename>
ETL stands for "experience to level", and is the amount of experience you must
gain each level to reach the next. The ETLS command shows you the basic
amount of etl required for each combination of race and class.
Race/class combinations that are relatively high for the remort-level in
question usually indicate that the combination is not generally suitable,
mainly because the stat ranges for the race are not very helpful for the
class. It is recommended that you choose combinations that have low etls
(but be warned: gimps are quite weak, and vulnerable to magic and weapon)
As a point of reference, you should expect to gain anywhere from 50-150
experience points for each mob that you kill (assuming you are fighting
mobs that aren't exceptionally difficult or easy).
If you choose a remort race which is lower than your remort level, the etl
will be higher than the basic one noted by the etls or the showrace command.
The increase is X * (remort level - race level) where X is:
50 for gimps
200 for doppelgangers
150 for all other races
Therefore e.g. an R5 character chosing phreak (R3) as race would need
1600 + 150 * (5-3) = 1900 experience per level.