inspiring song foxs cunning bears endurance cats grace spirit songs |
Syntax: inspire [cunning|endurance|grace] [all|target] The spirit songs are a group of passive songs that Bard's learn to hearten those around them. These passive songs do not stack, and only one passive song can affect a player at a time. The spirit songs are: Cat's Grace - Increases agi/moves of a player Fox's Cunning - Increases wis/mana of a player Bear's Endurance - Increases con/hp of a player Inspiring Song - Increases all stats/hitroll/damroll and decreases armor class/saves of a player. |
Endurance is a survival skill. Every tick, the person who has trained his endurance will receive more move per round. This skill gets better as the ability enhances. Endurance gives way to faster regeneration of movement, and therefore, more land based abilities may be completed. Endurance is an automatic skill. Players in perfect health will not be able to improve their endurance skill. |