You are given 15 dice, which you may assign to your 10 STATS (see help STATS)
and 5 ATTRIBUTES. Attributes account for a specific portion of each stat:
body | 15% str | 20% con | 20% vit | 15% agi | 10% dex |
mind | 25% int | 20% wis | 15% dis | 10% cha | 10% luc |
toughness | 25% str | 20% con | 10% vit | 25% dis |
speed | 10% vit | 25% agi | 30% dex | 15% int |
wit | 20% wis | 30% cha | 30% luc |
Type REROLL until the dice given are favorable. REROLL DEFAULT resets.
Or: ASSIGN <stat or attribute name> <die_value>
UNASSIGN <stat or attribute name|all>
DEFAULT to assign all remaining dice based on class and race
or DONE.
The display shows the following values:
Current - stat you will begin the game with if all your dice are assigned
Train - the highest you can train this stat to
Die - of the dice you rolled, you assigned this die (if any) to this stat
Min/Max - the lowest and highest possible values of these stats for a
member of your race, class, gender, and alignment.