* Implementation of enhancements to the MUD's underlying C code.
* Troubleshooting and resolution of issues relevant to the code.
* Maintenance of the shell account and associated batch processes.
* Maintenance and prioritization of a global bug list.
* Maintenance and prioritization of a global enhancement request list.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for Development tasks.
* Owners of the Bugs and Ideas note boards.
* Creation and maintenance of specifications and guidelines for game elements
(areas, rooms, mobs, objects, etc.). This duty is shared with Quality
* Creation of new game elements, and enhancements to existing elements.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for Construction tasks.
* Owners of the Building note board.
Quality Control
* Creation and maintenance of specifications and guidelines for game elements
(areas, rooms, mobs, objects, etc.). This duty is shared with Construction.
* Acceptance testing of code enhancements prior to their live implementation.
* Acceptance testing of new MUD areas, or enhancements to existing areas,
prior to their live implementation.
* Periodic review of in-game entities (helps, areas, rooms, mobs, objects,
etc.) to confirm their compliance with current specifications.
* Analysis of problematic or neglected areas within the game, and
recommendations for improvement.
* Validation of bug reports.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for tasks related to Quality Control.
* Enforcement of all mortal and immortal policies.
Public Relations
* Assistance to new players, both directly and through officially-designated
mortal Helpers.
* Creation of programs and campaigns to maintain and increase the game's
player base.
* Creation and maintenance of rules and guidelines for public behavior within
and external to the game.
* Maintenance of advertisements and summaries on external sites such as MUD
* Review of problem reports by mortals, including requests for reimbursement.
* Maintenance of the game's web site. This duty is shared with Role-playing.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for tasks related to Public Relations.
* Creation and execution of role playing programs and campaigns.
* Creation and maintenance of Quest rules and guidelines, including
requirements for immortals.
* Recommendations for ways to increase or improve role-playing activities
within the MUD.
* Owners of the Quest and Roleplay note boards.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for tasks related to Role-playing.
* Analysis of problems in pkill system and recommendations for improvements.
* Analysis of class balance in pkill environment, decisions
regarding safe rooms.
* Owners of Pkill note board.
* Supervision of Savants promoted for tasks related to Pkill.