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Room progs are attached in redit with addrprog command.

Room progs are always lua scripts.

Argument Type Note
room AREA the area to whom the script is attached
ch1 CH see table
ch2 CH see table
obj1 OBJ see table
obj2 OBJ see table
text1 string see table
trigger string see table
trigtype string see table
trigtype room ch1 ch2 obj1 obj2 text1 trigger Phrase type Description
enter room enterer none none none none none number(%chance) Fires when player enters the room
*exit room exiter none none none none none number(%chance) Fires when player exits the room
*move room enterer none none none none direction name string(direction name or “*”) Fires when a player attemps to move in given direction. Exit does not have to exist.
*open room opener none none none none direction name string(direction name or “*”) Fires when a player opens given door.
*close room closer none none none none direction name string(direction name or “*”) Fires when a player closes given door.
*unlock room unlocker none none none none direction name string(direction name or “*”) Fires when a player unlocks given door.
*lock room locker none none none none direction name string(direction name or “*”) Fires when a player locks given door.
timer room none none none none none none number(seconds interval) Fires at an interval of x seconds (provided as phrase)
*look room looker none none none none none number(%chance) Fires when player would see the room desc.
try room tryer none none none none none string(phrase or *) Fires when player in room used try command.
*command room commander none none none command argument command name string(command name) Fires when player uses the given command.
(*)If trigger fires, command is prevented from going through unless 'return true' in the script.

When recalling, order of trigger processing is: rexit then exit then recall

triggers/rprog.1419394000.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/24 04:06 by vodur