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Area progs are attached in aedit with addaprog command.
Area progs are always lua scripts.
Argument | Type | Note |
area | AREA | the area to whom the script is attached |
ch1 | CH | see table |
trigger | string | see table |
trigtype | string | see table |
trigtype | area | ch1 | trigger | Phrase type | Description |
enter | area | enterer | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player enters the area |
*exit | area | exiter | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player exits the area |
renter | area | enterer | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player enters any room in the area |
*rexit | area | exiter | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player exits any room in the area |
*recall | area | recaller | none | number(%chance) | Fires when a player recalls from the area |
boot | area | none | none | number(%chance) | Fires after mud boots or finishes copyover |
shutdown | area | none | none | number(%chance) | Fires before mud shutdown/copyover |
quit | area | quitter | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player quits in the area |
void | area | voider | none | number(%chance) | Fires when player voids in the area |
unvoid | area | unvoider | none | number(%chance) | Fires immediately after player is returned to area |
timer | area | none | none | number(seconds interval) | Fires at an interval of x seconds (provided as phrase) |
(*)If trigger fires, command is prevented from going through unless 'return true' in the script. |
When recalling, order of trigger processing is: rexit then exit then recall